dimecres, 30 de novembre del 2011

Are your for or against using animals for medical research? Explain your answer.

At the moment, it is legal in some countries to use animals for medical research although there are several people's opinions of this.
One of the arguments for use animals for medical research, if all goes well, these practices can be applied to the people. But still not good argument for this. I think there are any arguments for use animals for medical research. I think that this should be done. Because the animals also have feelings like people and the another things are the same of ours. On the another hand, this has helped a lot for humans.
Although I disagree for this argument, I suppose that will continue in the future until that happens nothing wrong.
All in all, I am not in favor of using animals for medical research.
I believe that if it continues, as I said before, we should have stricter controls on research and experiments. 

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