dimecres, 23 de maig del 2012


The government plans to introduce a new law which will mean that the students, will go to school on Saturday mornings in order to improve the level of education.
In the first place, In my opinion this would have positive for our education consequences but it won't be a good idea for teenagers.
It probably improve our lever in all the country.
I think that this is unfair because on Saturday, teachers should work and the state will pay you more. And now, this is not good knowing we are in crisis. Ther is an alternative method to achieve the government's aims that approved a new law.
Finally, the alternative methods about the plans to introduce school on saturday are with internet or like always, going to the school. The results shoudn't be agreed for guys.

Summary Starter Unit and Unit 1



Have a good time – divertir-se
Be careful – anar amb compte
Have something to eat – tenir alguna cosa de menjar
Have a break – tenir descans
Have a party – tenir una festa
Be thirsty – tenir set
Be sixteen years old – tenir setze anys
Have a shower – dutxar-se
Have a dinner – sopar
Be hungry – tenir gana
Be wrong – estar equivocat
Have a look – fer una ullada
Have a lie-in – dir mentides
Be lucky – tenir sort
Be late – fer tard
Be early – ser puntual
Be right – tenir raó
Be scored – anotar-se alguna cosa



Sentence: Subject + verb + sentence → I play the piano
Podem utilitzar: Always, usually, never, sometimes, once a weed o every morning.
Question: (what-where-who-why-when-how) + (auxiliar) + subject + sentence → Who is your best friend? / Who plays the piano? / …


Sentence: Subject + auxiliar ('m, is, are) + verb + ing + sentence → I'm playing the piano
Podem utilitzar: Now, at the moment o today.
Question: (what...) + auxiliar (is, are) + subject + sentence → What are you doing now? / Why are you writing? / …


Sentence: Subject + verb en passat + (sentence) → I played the piano. / I jumped.
Question: Auxiliar (did) + subject + verb + (sentence) → Did you play the piano?


Who did you invite to your birthday party? → A qui vas convidar a la teva festa d'aniversari?


Who gave you this nice clock? → Qui t'ha regalat aquest rellotge tan maco?



Afirmatiu: I / You / He / She / it /we / you / they used to live in oxford.
Negatiu: I / You / He / She / it /we / you / they didn't use to live in London.


Afirmatiu: I / You / He / She / it /we / you / they 'd/had finished.
Negatiu: I / You / He / She / it /we / you / they hadn't met before.


I was studying
You were studying.
He, She, It was studying.
We, You, They were studying.

Was I studying?
Were you studying?
Was he, she, it studying?
Were we, you, they studying?


I played the piano
You played the piano with...?


Ever s'utilitza a les preguntes. → Have you ever visited New York? Has visitat mai Nova York?
Never s'utilitza quan la frase és positiva. → Mery has never played rugby. La Maria mai ha jugat a rugby.
Just indica que l'acció s'acaba d'acabar. Va entre l'auxiliar (have, has) I el verb en participi. → We've just seen a terrifying film. Acabem de veure un apel·lícula terrorífica.
Still indica que una situació no ha canviat. Va entre el subjecte I l'auxiliar (have, has)
It's ten o'clock and you still haven't finished your homework! Són les deu I encara no has acabat els deures!
Already indica que una acció s'ha acabat abans del que esperàvem. Va entre l'auxiliar (have, has) I el verb en participi. → Paul isn't here. He's already gone to the bus stop. En Paul no hi és. Ha ha anat a la parada del bus.
Yet fa referència a una acció que encara no ha tingut lloc, a bé si no sabem si ha passat o no. Sempre va al final de la frase negativa o la frase interrogativa. → Has Berta met your parents yet? La berta ja coneix els teus pares?


Unit 1:

Boom – auge
Hairstyle – pentinat
Look – mirada
Fashion – moda
Peace – pau
Icon – icona
Craze – mania
Birth – naixament
Death – mort
Gadget – aparell electònic
Invention – invent
War – guerra

Unit 2:

Split up with... – separar-se
Flirt with... - Flirtejar, fastejar, sortir amb...
Have an argument with... - tenir una discussió amb...
Finish with... - acabar amb...
Meet – trobar, conèixer
Go out with... - sortir amb...
Get married – casar-se
Have got a lot in common – tenir molt en comú
Fancy – estar enamorat
Introduce – Presentar
Get on well with... - avenir-se amb...
Ask someone out – demanar per sortir a algú

Extreme adjectives:

Adjectives Extreme adjective

interesting fascinating
tiring exhausting
funny hilarious
good brilliant
good-looking gorgeous
frightening terrifying
bad owful
memorable unfforgettable
angry hilarious
unpleasant disgusting

Unit 3:

Noun Verb

operation operate
transplant transplant
suffering suffer
cure cure
prevention prevent
cause cause
discovery discovery
research research
treatment treat
development develop
experiment experiment
clone clone

WRITE A HISTORY. ( Write 120-180 words)

Petter woke up suddenly. What was that noise he had just heard? He listened carefully. After a while, he heard the noise again. He knew that this noise was coming from the hallway. He did not know what to do. While as he went to the room of his parents was heard the same noise. Until he ran across the room and woke her father. After his father fell down in the kitchen, and he saw nothing and while rising, was to hear the noise. After both fell. They took two knives to defend themselves and approached to thedining room. Finally, Petter went down the hallway, and saw that the door was open. He called! It was very windy. And his father said: Tonight, you closed the door? and he answered: Oh no! I've forgotten! That is all.
Petter and his father, went to sleeping again.
It was horrible!.

Planning about visit of the Drama Group in Mieres

Drama group “de 7 a 9”
Mieres (la Garrotxa)
Monday at 11 o'clock in the school.
Visit the school
Free time
Have lunch
Visit the town
Go shopping
Have dinner in Banyoles, the park “la Draga”

Hi everybody!

I'm organizing the visit of the drama group “de 7 a 9” from Mieres (la Garrotxa) that are coming on Monday.
They arrive at 11a.m. Here in the school by bus. First, they're going to do a presentation and then we bring them to visit the school. They are going to have some free time because they'll be tired for the trip.
At half past one, we have lunch in the school's ground. If it would rain, we're going to have lunch inside the school.
In the afternoon, we're going to visit the town and go shopping.
Finally, in the evening while we are cooking dinner, they're going to walk around “la Draga” to see the lake and later, we all have dinner there.

That's all! I hope that you will come. Se you on Monday.

dimarts, 8 de maig del 2012

David Guetta (The world's Number One DJ)

French dance music was not a major export until David Guetta appeared. Meet the superstar DJ who's making the world dance!

David Guetta always wanted to mix music. At age 13, the French teenager mixed his first albums at home, and at 14 the started organizing parties in his home. He thought: "I want to be a DJ - I don't need to be good at Maths!"
In 1984, at only age 17, David got a job as a DJ in a club in Paris. HE soon got a reputation for being a good DJ with a talent for mixing music. 

Early success

For David GUetta, the journey to international fame waws slow. In 1996, he started to DJ in clubs on the Sapnish island of Ibiza. Then he released compilation albums of his club hits and started making his own records. His two albums JUst a Little More Love (2002) and Pop Life (2007) were hits in Europe.

International star

David had difficulty getting fans in the USA, however. This changed when David produced the hit single "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas in 2009. The same year, his own album, One Love was an international hit too. Suddenly, everyone wanted to work with him!


Today, David's club night in Ibiza is famous around the world. He goes there on his private jet and stays in his luxury villa: it's the sort of place you see in a James Bond film. That is because David is now a superstar DJ: he plays dance festivals to 80000 fans, earns more than 3 million euros a year and makes albums featuring stars like Rihanna and Flo Rida. 

-...and enemies

But David has critics too. Electronic music purists say that he is too comercial, that his music is too simple and that he has no talent. His club nights are criticized for being too elitist. HIs title "producer" is also ambiguous: it's not clear if he has financed a music project, written the music or just mixed it. 

Confidence is everything

David Guetta doesn't agree with the critics: "Our sound is taking over the plante," he says. But he doesn't have to defend himself. David knows that he has created a sound that in instantly recognizable. HE is the first person to combine the roles of DJ, producer and solo artist so successfully. Nobody can "produce" succesful modern pop like David GUetta can. That is whay the Frenchman has the title of world's Number One DJ!

Happy Easter from the White House

Every Easter, the American President invites 30000 people to his garden to hunt for eggs:it's called the Easter Egg Roll. There's a giant Easter Bunny, and President Obama's family and other celebrities read stories to children.